Thank you for the SCARS

Recently as I listened to a song, SCARS, by a band called I am They, I was brought back to sweet memories of when I found my first love, Jesus. As I listened the lyrics began to call things out of my soul. Here’s an excerpt:
So I'm thankful for the scars
Cause without them I wouldn't know Your heart
And I know they'll always tell of who You are
So forever I am thankful for the scars
I can see, I can see How You delivered me
In Your hands, In Your feet; I found my victory
As the song played, I was reminded of Colossians 2:6b-7, “continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Let’s take the next five minutes to sit in His lap and reflect on our spiritual blessings as sons and daughter of God. His SCARS testify for eternity of the beauty of an extraordinary love that rescues us from the darkness. Not because we have earned it, but because we are the source of His joy. The Bible says that “For the joy set before him, He endured the pain.” (Heb 12:2)
His scars demonstrate for all eternity that we are valuable.
They tell us that He was willing to give all he had to gain fellowship with us as his inheritance. He was willing to leave heaven and endure the shame, endure the SCARS, because he loved his creation and wanted intimate oneness with each one of us. This is why he deserves to be the audience of one that we live for.
His SCARS paid the price of redemption for every man and woman, boy and girl.
His willingness to surrender his life on the cross was birthed from a love so powerful that it redeems every hurt, every lie, every wound, every need, every dream, every disease, everything. In the brilliant kingdom of heaven, we can apply his brilliant thinking and break free from the grip of mental, emotional, and spiritual bondage. We can put off the old man, full of darkness, and put on the new man who is full of love and light. (Col. 3)
His SCARS are evidence of the power of his healing love.
His healing love affirms the gifts we carry on the inside of us; encourages us in our growth, and covers the areas of brokenness that are in the process of being healed inside all of us. Even as the song referenced above speaks of being delivered, the scars in his hands and feet broke the power of sin and death to hold us captive. Now we have the choice to walk in defeat or victory; captivity or freedom.
The SCARS paid for it ALL.
Join me in whispering to the Savior who was born in a manger, crucified on a cross, and now risen and sitting at the right hand of God, “Thank you, Jesus, for the scars. Thank you for showing me who you are.” Blessings to you and your family this holiday season and always.